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Anderton Concrete to supply more than 6,000 metres of precast concrete troughing


Anderlite C/1/43 straight concrete troughs have been manufactured in half lengths of 500mm with one-metre lids. The signals are being put in along the Line between Paddington and Reading as part of Network Rail’s upgrade plan to increase capacity on the Great Western main line.

New cabling is being installed as part of a variety of infrastructure projects in the area, including Crossrail works on the Elizabeth Line, the upgrading of the signalling infrastructure from track circuits to axle counters and the safer faster isolation works. Colas Rail is supporting the signalling infrastructure upgrade works through telecoms, civils, electrification and power support. Many of the cable routes on this section of the infrastructure are at or near capacity and so are being upgraded by Colas Rail to accommodate the extra cable required. As part of the installation process, Colas Rail gave Cheshire-based Anderton Concrete the contract to supply more than 6,000 metres of precast concrete troughing to increase cabling capacity. Anderlite C/1/43 straight concrete troughs have been manufactured in half lengths of 500mm to increase on-site efficiencies. The troughing lids have been manufactured at a standard length of one metre. Half of the troughing has been installed by Colas so far, with the project predicted to be completed by this summer. Colas Rail project manager Daniel Clouth said: “A project of this scale and nature requires optimum communication and collaboration from all parties to ensure its successful delivery. It is therefore crucial that the level of materials we require are on site at the key access points, when we need them. “Having worked with Anderton Concrete across previous rail projects, we were confident that the team could deliver the volume of troughing we required, whilst also taking a bespoke approach to the specification of the product to ensure on-site efficiencies were increased.” Anderton Concrete sales manager Neil Cross said: “With this project, it was imperative we could meet tight deadlines and supply high volumes of product with just a few days’ notice.”

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