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Good Manors for 2021!


The Erlestoke Manor Fund (EMF) has posted an update on the progress on their locomotives and announced a new appointment to their board of Trustees.

Jane Preece

The Fund has welcomed Jane Preece on their board of Trustees. Bringing a wealth of knowledge from working within the Severn Valley Railway, as their first HR Manager, over the past five years. Jane has a particular interest in No.7802 “Bradley Manor”, since it was an engine her grandfather frequently rode on the footplate in his role as a Bridge Inspector.

Following her appointment, Jane said: “As well as generally contributing to the development of EMF, I am really looking forward to using my experience to encourage young people to become involved in the Fund through education and learning”.

7802 “Bradley Manor”

New Cylinder Blocks for 7802 (Terry Jenkins)

Tyseley Locomotive Works has taken delivery of the new cylinder blocks and liners for 7802. These will be inspected before preparing work for fitting the liners is carried out.

A new driver’s side front cylinder cover casting is on order to replace the original one that was destroyed when the piston rod failed. A ambidextrous traditional pattern has been made for this, just in case of future need…..

The next stage will be to cryogenically shrink the valve liners in dry ice to allow them to be fitted into the valve bores. As they then expand while warming to atmospheric temperature they will become (very) tight in position.

The remaining tasks are bolting the cylinder blocks together as a pair, which will then enable them to be hydraulically tested. In order to avoid a kit of parts everywhere, only once they have successfully passed their hydraulic test will we look to further dismantle 7802.

New cylinder liners for 7802 (Terry Jenkins)

7812 “Erlestoke Manor”

Once the temperature warms up, a hydraulic test on 7812’s boiler will be carried out. New bolts and nuts which hold the slide bars have arrived and ready for fittings. In preparation for fitting the new cylinder blocks, the locomotive has had its boiler cladding and lagging removed, ready for lifting the boiler. Once outstanding boiler work is completed, such as beading over flue tubes and fitting 30 stays, only a small amount of work will remain before an hydraulic boiler test can be scheduled. The EMF has arranged for Tyseley to carry out much of boiler reassembly at a cost to the Fund, this work would have usually been carried out by volunteers, but this is currently not possible due to COVID-19.

View of 7812 Smokebox during overhaul (Terry Jenkins)

7812 Tender T2329 (Churchward 3,500 Gallon)

The frame for the tender is now temporarily on its wheelsets. Next stage in the build is completing Computer-Aided Design (CAD) drawings for parts required, such as the tender tank, a key component.

The founders of the EMF

The late David Martin – who later joined the NYMR & became a leading light of the restoration of Standard 4MT 76084

EMF President John Hancock – whose original idea it was to save a Manor class locomotive

The late Bruce Chennell – first Treasurer of the EMF

Bob Marrows – first Secretary of the EMF and subsequently the architect of the SVR Kidderminster Station


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